vendredi 7 septembre 2007

Emirates Airlines plans to double Talpitha Airbus planes "Any 380"

Said Tim Clark told reporters, "I want to double" the number of aircraft to be purchased from the European manufacturing company.

He added occasion trip devoted to reporters in a plane + Boeing 777-200 of TR + received Airline "Emirates" just "But 55 is the largest number that we received at the present time."

Added Clark told Agence France Presse that the Emirates Airline may buy "more" of the aircraft "no 380," saying that the international airport in Dubai, the largest in the Middle East "can not receive more of them" at the present time.

He believed that the opening of a second airport being built in the Principality experiencing real big leap utility Emirates airline company at the height of their expansion and thus will be able to possess the largest number of aircraft.

The Emirates Airline owned by the Principality of Dubai, one of the seven Emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates is the largest customer for Airbus aircraft giant "no 380." The fleet consists of Boeing and Airbus aircraft.

It is expected to receive the first model of the 55 aircraft requested purchased in the first quarter of 2008.

The airline Emirates fleet, which is currently 108 aircraft received Wednesday aircraft, "Boeing 777-200 of TR" is the first under the Order to buy ten planes of the same type had been signed in 2005 with the American Manufacturing Company.

The plane will conduct new journey directly as of the first of October between Dubai and Sao Paulo, Brazil thereby achieving the first flight without interruption between the Middle East and Latin America.

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